The story of humanity is primarily the story of the evolution of our consciousness, of the evolution of our mind and thereby of our reasoning powers; and also, though we may not always realise it, the evolution of our faculties for empathy and intuition. We have invariably used the development of our powers of reason to further ourselves in terms of our ability to survive and be comfortable. Sadly, we have also employed those reasoning powers to achieve dominance over other reasoning threats to ourselves, as well of course dominance over the Earth and all the creatures of the Earth. Genesis I:26 and beyond is prescient when it says: ‘And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so. And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. Andthere was evening and there was morning, a sixth day.’ But this was written at
a time when the seeds of our reasoning powers had not yet born fruit. However,
as the centuries have passed, so have our powers so increased, indeed become so
powerful, that we can no longer afford to assume that we have unbridled
dominion over the very Earth that nurtures us and harbours us. If we are to
fulfil the true destiny of our awakening powers, we must emphasis to a much
greater degree our power of empathy and intuition. Our destiny is to cherish, nurture and indeed harbour our planet and all its creatures thereof as once our planet cherished and nurtured and harboured us. Unless we can break through into a new evolutionary level of consciousness, we might have little evolution left for us to enjoy and use.
The evolution and unfolding of the cosmic creation is physical and is mental and spiritual. We are now at a profound stage in our evolution when at last we recognise and acknowledge our ONENESS with each other and with our Mother Earth, our Holy Gaia. This is the profound spiritual initiation of our true and sentient being. We are not the centre of our universe, with all else orbiting our being and indeed our needs. We ARE the universe. And that is because we are ONE with the universe. At last we are recognising that whatever we hurt, we thereby hurt ourselves. Whenever we despoil, we thereby despoil ourselves. This is the great mystical and spiritual awakening of humanity to its place in the universe and in the Creation, and is the great mystical and spiritual awakening to our responsibility to ALL of creation.
We stand upon the threshold of our true spiritual purpose and destiny. We are awake at last, fully cognizant at last, of who we are and what we are and of course how we relate to the whole of creation. We are awakening at last. The signs are about us, the social and political mores of our world are shifting beneath our feet, and are shifting deep in our minds and deep in our spirit. We may speak of a New Age that has been awakening in our souls for a few hundred years. Now we are at the threshold of being awake enough to make that New Age manifest. And the vital spiritual point is that we are awakening at last in full consciousness to the fundamental and all-pervading consciousness of the universe itself. As the ancients told us:
God sleeps in the mineral,
Dreams in the vegetable,
Stirs in the animal,
And wakes in man.